Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Example Power Point

Presentation Grading Rubric

Human Impact Presentation Grading Rubric

All questions from the outline are answered.

Graphic on every slide.

At least one video included.
9-10 checks= A (4.0)
7-8 checks=B (3.0)
4-5 checks= C (2.0)
2-3 checks=D (1.0)
0-1 checks=F (0.0)

Resources listed on a slide.

Loud enough to be heard.

Eye contact is kept with the audience.

Slides are not read, but explained to the audience.

At least 10 minutes in length.

Everyone speaks equally.

Equal effort put forth by all group members.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Human Impact Paper Outline and Grading Requirements

Human Impact Paper Outline

Introduction:  Introduce your resource to your reader. 
  • What is your resource?
  • How is it used?
  • How much is used?
  • Where is it found?

Body Paragraph #1:  Explain how your resource has been used historically using evidence to show that use and the environmental impacts of the use.
  • Where was it used in the past?
  • How was it used?
  • How was the use monitored?
  • Were there negative environmental impacts of this use? Explain.
  • What is the evidence showing this use?

Body Paragraph #2:  Explain the current uses and impacts of the use of your resource on the environment using evidence. 
  • Has the way your resource is used changed?
  • How much do we use now per capita?
  • What are the environmental impacts of that use? Explain using evidence.
  • How is the use monitored? 
  • What is the evidence showing the use?

Body Paragraph #3:  Explain how your resource may be used in the future and the environmental impacts that use may have. 
  • How might it be used in the future?
  • Will there be enough for continued use?
  • What will the environmental impacts of continual use be? Use evidence.
  • Do we need to limit the current use (per capita) to make sure it is available in the future?

Body Paragraph #4:  Explain how your resource should be monitored and how the use of your resource should be minimized.   
  • How is the use of your resource currently being monitored? Show evidence.
  • Should we continue to monitor it? Why or why not?
  • Are we monitoring it effectively? Explain.
  • How would you recommend we monitor the resource in the future?
  • Should we be maintaining our use or reducing our use (per capita) of the resource? Explain.

Conclusion:  Call your reader to action. 
  • What do we need to use your resource sustainably in the future?
  • What do individuals need to do to minimize the impact of the resources use on the environment? What evidence supports this?
  • What do businesses need to do to minimize the impact of the resources use on the environment? What evidence supports this?
  • Should the government be involved? Explain. What evidence supports this?
  • Should the global community be involved?  Explain. What evidence supports this?

Level 3
(4 points)
  • Meets all of the level 2 requirements. 
  • Each paragraph is complete and covers all the criteria listed above. 
Level 2
(3 points)
  • Meets most of the criteria from above but is not complete. 
  • Each paragraph includes a hook to keep the reader interested.
  • Writing conventions are correct:
    • Spelling
    • Punctuation
    • Capitalization
  • Writing formatting is correct:
    • Paper follows MLA format.  
    • Resource citations are in MLA format.
    • Indented paragraphs.
    • Heading (name, date, period)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Human Impact on the Environment

Listed below are several resources that may help you in finding out more information about your resource.  When you get on a website, feel free to look around and see what other information they have.  These links should just be a starting point.



Fossil Fuels:




