Thursday, May 23, 2013

Human Impact Paper Outline and Grading Requirements

Human Impact Paper Outline

Introduction:  Introduce your resource to your reader. 
  • What is your resource?
  • How is it used?
  • How much is used?
  • Where is it found?

Body Paragraph #1:  Explain how your resource has been used historically using evidence to show that use and the environmental impacts of the use.
  • Where was it used in the past?
  • How was it used?
  • How was the use monitored?
  • Were there negative environmental impacts of this use? Explain.
  • What is the evidence showing this use?

Body Paragraph #2:  Explain the current uses and impacts of the use of your resource on the environment using evidence. 
  • Has the way your resource is used changed?
  • How much do we use now per capita?
  • What are the environmental impacts of that use? Explain using evidence.
  • How is the use monitored? 
  • What is the evidence showing the use?

Body Paragraph #3:  Explain how your resource may be used in the future and the environmental impacts that use may have. 
  • How might it be used in the future?
  • Will there be enough for continued use?
  • What will the environmental impacts of continual use be? Use evidence.
  • Do we need to limit the current use (per capita) to make sure it is available in the future?

Body Paragraph #4:  Explain how your resource should be monitored and how the use of your resource should be minimized.   
  • How is the use of your resource currently being monitored? Show evidence.
  • Should we continue to monitor it? Why or why not?
  • Are we monitoring it effectively? Explain.
  • How would you recommend we monitor the resource in the future?
  • Should we be maintaining our use or reducing our use (per capita) of the resource? Explain.

Conclusion:  Call your reader to action. 
  • What do we need to use your resource sustainably in the future?
  • What do individuals need to do to minimize the impact of the resources use on the environment? What evidence supports this?
  • What do businesses need to do to minimize the impact of the resources use on the environment? What evidence supports this?
  • Should the government be involved? Explain. What evidence supports this?
  • Should the global community be involved?  Explain. What evidence supports this?

Level 3
(4 points)
  • Meets all of the level 2 requirements. 
  • Each paragraph is complete and covers all the criteria listed above. 
Level 2
(3 points)
  • Meets most of the criteria from above but is not complete. 
  • Each paragraph includes a hook to keep the reader interested.
  • Writing conventions are correct:
    • Spelling
    • Punctuation
    • Capitalization
  • Writing formatting is correct:
    • Paper follows MLA format.  
    • Resource citations are in MLA format.
    • Indented paragraphs.
    • Heading (name, date, period)

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